Having a well-defined market segmentation strategy can be powerful in accelerating online growth for smaller B2B companies. If you’re looking to improve the effectiveness of your online marketing efforts, dividing your market into different categories and strategically targeting each one is the secret sauce to success!
You might be wondering how to do this, and we’re going to make your job easier by providing some professional SEO and digital marketing TIPS for proper segmentation.
Segmenting your market simply means dividing your buyers into groups that have common preferences and needs and will respond similarly to marketing campaigns, posts, or general communication.
For example, consider a small retail company. You may have more than one type of customer: one interested in buying your products and another interested in partnering to sell your products. Many companies group their clients by B2C and B2B when they sell to both markets, but there are many ways to do this depending on your business.
Demographic segmentation groups customers by certain traits such as age, gender, income, education, occupation, and/or family structure.
Psychographic segmentation represents your customers buying behaviour by things like beliefs, values, lifestyle, social status, opinions and activities. Opposed to demographics, telling you WHO your customer is, psychographics tells you WHY a customer buys a product or service.
Geographic segmentation categorizes customers simply by where they are located. What country, state, province, city, or town are they from?
Behavioural segmentation groups customers by behaviour patterns such as attitude towards, use of, likes/dislikes of, or response to a product, service, promotion, or brand. This helps a brand or marketing team understand HOW a customer thinks by addressing the wants and needs of each target market.
Our strategic marketing plan includes sitting down with your marketing team and getting to know every aspect of your business, from your business goals to clients, to internal processes, to the culture of your brand. Then, we can create 1-3 thorough Dream Client Avatars based on your ideal target audience and best clients. These avatars are a visual and strategic representation of your segmented markets, and they give you an opportunity to target the RIGHT people better.